Pamela Doyle – Oil Painting Masterclass and Atelier

Pamela Doyle – Oil painting masterclass and atelier

Course Dates:      Monday 24th, Monday 31st March and Monday 7th April 6:30pm – 9:00pm

Medium:               Oil on canvas

Participants:        Maximum 9

Course level:        All levels (beginners particularly welcome)

Course Cost:       100 Euro

Materials list:      Canvas for painting is included in the course fee, additional materials list be provided upon signing up for the course.

Pamela’s Bio

Pamela studied fine art at NCAD Dublin and the University for the Creative Arts London.  She has exhibited extensively in London at The Royal Institute of Oil Painters, The Royal Society of British Artists, and The Society of Women Artists at The Mall Galleries London.  She has also been selected by The Royal Hibernian Academy Dublin, The Royal Ulster Academy of Arts Belfast and the Royal Scottish Academy of Art and Architecture Edinburgh.

A quick step masterclass in the fundamentals of oil painting, resulting in a finished work for artists to take away, this class is for those who would like to learn the basics in oil painting and achieve confidence in the medium of oil and all its possibilities. Individual tuition will be given, the course is especially helpful for beginner artists.

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